I haven't shared a Sunday Shelfie in a while, not that I haven't been doing them, I just seem to be so busy lately! I rotate Lake's toys every Sunday and I just love it! Daddy tends to take her out on Sunday mornings for a bit of Daddy/ daughter time, so its the perfect time for a switch up. It's so much easier to do when she is not around...

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I always get lots of questions on our set up so I thought I'd start this week linking the basics:
Shelf unit - IKEA
Trays (white) - IKEA
Wooden Trays - Amazon
Playmat - Scandiborn
Round Wean Mat - Scaniborn
Balance Board - Curve Lab
Table - Petit Amelie
Mini Shelves - IKEA
Hook Shelves - Arket
Lake loves making noise music, and she loves being active and banging things! So at the minute I love to include a selection of musical instruments. This week we have this banjo, drum, xylophone, and harmonica. A perfect combination for her to make as much noise as possible! She doesn't actually, she tends to get them out when we have music on and join in!
Arts & Crafts
Lake has always been a lover of drawing, but she has started to steer away from it a little recently, so this week I have keep it to a minimum. She obviously has her table, but this week, we literally have some pencil crayons and paper. We always have up a little line with some pegs on, where she hangs her masterpieces when she is done. I will also do some more arts and crafts with her in the week, but I will get these out as we use them.
Opened Ended Play
When I first started toy rotation, I tended to have the trays out with not much else but I didnt feel 100% happy with the set up, so now I like to add some open ended play items here and there for her. Every week I add some sort of blocks because they are her absolute favourite. This week we have these Little Dutch blocks, along with this rainbow. Lake is obsessed with pigs and I recently found these toys and wooden mice in the Zara sale, so I had to pick them up and add them in this week.
These Way to Play tracks are always a hit with Lake, they are flexible, so she makes tracks anywhere. I Love how they fit like a jigsaw too, great for strengthening those little hands! These cars for the perfect size for these tracks and can be found here.
She loves this doctors set so I had to try and add it in. I set it up with this dinkum doll, intended to be the patient, but I will see how she gets on with this, because usually she likes Mummy or Daddy to be the patient!
This train set is similar to the cars/ tracks we have this week, but she is loving playing with these types of toys at the minute and asked for her 'trains' so I definitely wanted to add them in.
Although Lake can count 1-10 saying the words, she is not quite there with physically counting objects, so I wanted to work on that this week. I added two wooden bowls with sprayed chickpeas for her to count. I added these flashcards too, so she can associate the number with the counting.
This balancing set is from Vertbaudet, first they build up the tree, then they balance the little wooden animals on it. I love this set the wooden blocks, they are so cute and I will definitely be using they for other activities too. Great for learning about weight and balance, the tree will fall over if overloaded one side. It does come with cards too, so you can make it a two player game and they pick the cards too add. We haven't played it like that yet but I will try it out with her soon.
Lastly, we have this bowling set from Amazon. She has so much fun knocking them over and rebuilding them. Great for motor skills and teaching her to aim. She also likes to use her balance board upside down and roll the balls down it to know them over.