Spider Paper Plate Sweetie Bag - Halloween #smallhandsbigplay Challenge Day #12

 Halloween Paper Plate craft

#AD This post is an entry for the Britmums #MAOAMmischief Challenge, sponsored by MAOAM. Get ideas for creating mischief with you kids here and check out the frighteningly fun free events they're holding at shopping centres around the UK for Halloween. 

This is one for the older kiddies, in fact Jessica made this one..
You'll need:
2 Paper Plates
Halloween paper plate sweetie bag
So firstly she glued the edges of the paper plates together, right sides facing. Then she cut off the top of the plates. She painted the plates black then glued on the string, legs and face. All done and ready to be filled with sweets!!
Halloween Craft: Spider Paper Plate Halloween Sweetie Bag
Halloween Paper Plate Craft: Spider sweet bag