I wanted to make some play dough that lasts, so I started researching recipes online. I discovered that in traditional recipes you have to cook the play dough. Cooking the play dough gives it a better texture and helps it last longer. The down side though is that it gets very messy! I then found this recipe which uses boiling water instead, so makes a perfect play dough without the mess!
As it uses boiling water, I made this without Lake, I usually like her to help with DIY's but I didnt mind as I knew she would have so much fun playing with it when it was done. It was really easy and I made each colour in about 5 minutes.

If you store it in air tight containers it will last about 6 months and no need to store in the fridge!
Here's what you'll need:
1 Cup of Plain Flour
1/2 Cup of Salt
2 Tablespoons of Cream of Tartar (I got mine here)
1 Tablespoon of Cooking Oil
3/4 Cup of Boiling Water
Colouring of Choice (I used food colouring)
1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl
2. Add the colouring, oil and boiling water and mix until it clumps together
3. Knead until smooth (you might have to wait until it cools a bit)