Every week I now so look forward to our toy rotation on a Sunday. I love seeing what she likes and loves learning and adapting her toys accordingly. So here is this weeks set up...
Firstly, as always we have access to paper and a range of crayons for drawing as and when she likes. We have a section of her favourite books for quiet time and her latest addition of a wobble board for movement activities. We have a little table and chair, as well as a mat for her to take her activites to depending on what she wants to do.
As much as I love Montessori activites, not every activity I set up is a Montessori activity. Lake has a lot of toys that she loves so I definitely didn't want to dispose of them, I just now set them up in a more montessori inspired controlled way. Our first activity is just that, she has always love her 'baby' so I set up a little 'dressing baby' activity. Although Lake does try and dress herself she hasn't quite got there yet, so I thought this would be a great activity to help her with this. Doll (link here) and outfit (link here) from Scandiborn.
Next up is this magnet fishing activity. Great for eye hand coordination skills. She loves playing with her 'fishies' and really concentrates when trying to put them into the slots. This comes part of a 3 piece set from Amazon (link here).
This train set is another of Lakes favourite, rather than setting the track up for her, I now let her set it up herself first, I only step into help when she asks. She also enjoys attaching the trains together with the magnets. Train set from Little Homes (link here).
This water pouring and pipettes are a must on her shelf, pouring water is her fave! This week I will use coloured water so she can experiment with mixing colours. Jugs and pipettes both from Amazon (link here).
I would say play dough is what Lake plays with the most. This is homemade play dough (recipe here) and this week I have added a simple rolling pin and wooden letters that spell her name for her to use as stampers. The wooden letters are part of a jigsaw set we used last week (link here)
We had this activity a weeks ago. A simple posting activity, great again for hand eye coordination skills. I think I said this last time but if you do try this, put the key on a keyring and Lake posted the key last time and it was locked! She loves using the key to open the box. Money box from Amazon (link here).
We had this activity last week, with just Lakes name and I was surprised by how easy she found it! So I have kept it this week but added another name and the corresponding letters. The letters are the DIY salt dough letter stones we made a few weeks ago (link here). I just wrote the names on strips of card.
Number flashcards. We have had these for a few weeks but not used them as yet. The cards have things for Lake to count on them. She is getting better at counting now, so I am eager to see how she gets on with these. Cards from Amazon (link here).
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